Website User Survey

Initial Impressions

Initial Impressions

Requesting an Appointment

You have been referred to Dr. Swart for lung cancer in Tucson. Please look for Dr. Swart's profile on the website and find her contact information.

Before you request an appointment, you want to check what insurance is accepted. Please find information on insurance on the website.
You need to request an appointment online. Please navigate to the page where you can request an appointment.

Cancer Approach

You want to learn more about your newly diagnosed lung cancer. Navigate to find some informational content on lung cancer.

Patient testimonials

You want to see what other patients have to say about Arizona Oncology. Please find patient stories or testimonials on the website.

Clinical Trials

Dr. Swart suggests you would benefit from some of our clinical trials. Navigate to the clinical trial page. 

User Experience

For this next section, take some time to explore the website's different pages. Explore the blog, about section, resources for patients and caregivers, etc.