Diagnostic Imaging

Diagnostic imaging tests and scans are important for accurately diagnosing and staging cancer, as well as tracking the progress of treatment. Our in-office imaging center provides the most advanced imaging services available. From Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT) to combination PET/CT scans, you can schedule and receive the tests and scans required for your personalized care.
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CT Simulation
CT Simulation enhances radiation treatment planning by generating three-dimensional images for utmost accuracy in targeting and mapping specific treatment areas. With CT Simulation, oncologists can deliver high doses of radiation to a tumor, while minimizing the amount of radiation to normal, surrounding tissues. Treatment planning is enhanced with the use of a three-dimensional treatment planning computer. Using the information and images provided by the CT Simulator, the computer generates a treatment plan tailored to the patient’s cancer care needs. Guided by three-dimensional models, the physician, physicist and dosimetrist can accurately determine the most effective dose of radiation to be delivered during treatment.