
Think You’re Too Young to Get Cancer? You’re Wrong.

Think You’re Too Young to Get Cancer? You’re Wrong.

Recent studies indicate a troubling trend: cancer diagnoses among adults younger than 50 are becoming more common. What used to be considered an affliction of the elderly is striking more and more people during their prime working and child-rearing years. “By 2030, one recent study estimated, the number of these early-onset cancer diagnoses could increase by roughly 30% worldwide,” says Dr. Aisha Ahmed, medical oncologist and hematologist at Arizona Oncology. That’s a frightening statistic, but understanding what drives it can be empowering. Dr. Ahmed walks us through the facts. Why Are More...

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Dr. Mack Talks Prostate Cancer for Men’s Health Month

Dr. Mack Talks Prostate Cancer for Men’s Health Month

About 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime, usually after age 65. This common cancer often grows slowly and may not cause significant harm in its early stages, but some forms of prostate cancer can be aggressive and spread rapidly to other parts of the body. This Men’s Health Month, Arizona Oncology radiation oncologist Dr. Curtis Mack weighs in on what you need to know about prostate cancer. Starting the Journey Have you or a loved one been newly diagnosed with prostate cancer? Prostate cancer management can follow many paths. It can be difficult to know...

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What to Eat After Cancer Treatment

What to Eat After Cancer Treatment

After completing cancer treatment, you may want to take steps to help prevent a recurrence. While you cannot control every risk factor, one thing you can control is what you eat. Nutrition plays a role in about one third of all cancers. After smoking, obesity is the most significant controllable risk factor. By maintaining a healthy weight and eating a balanced diet full of healthy, non-processed foods, you can do your part to reduce your risk. In addition to helping prevent recurrence, a healthy, nutritious diet can also help your body recover from cancer treatment. Eating well...

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A Question and Answer Session on Esophageal Cancer with Dr. Suresh Mukkamala

A Question and Answer Session on Esophageal Cancer with Dr. Suresh Mukkamala

April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society, about 22,000 new cases of esophageal cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year. We’ve asked Arizona Oncology medical oncologist and hematologist, Dr. Suresh Mukkamala, to answer a few questions about this relatively rare cancer that affects more men than women. Q: What are the first signs of esophageal cancer? Dr. Mukkamala: "Sticking" of solid food, chest discomfort or burning could be the earliest symptoms of esophageal cancer. This is typically followed by difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)...

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Today’s Colorectal Cancer: What You Need To Know

Today’s Colorectal Cancer: What You Need To Know

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month. Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers, and it is appearing in younger and younger people. Why? Scientists aren’t yet certain. “There are lots of theories, but we still don't really know,” explains Dr. Peter Lee of the Colorectal Surgical Specialists, community members of Arizona Oncology. “Theories include poor diet with consumption of processed meats and foods, the obesity epidemic, and a sedentary lifestyle.” The American Cancer Society estimates the lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is 1 in 23 for men and 1 in 25 for...

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Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer

Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer

Originally posted March 2012 More than two million people in the United States will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year.  It is the most common form of cancer in this country, but it is also one of the most preventable. As part of Skin Cancer Awareness Month in May, Arizona Oncology reminds the community about the importance of protecting their skin from the sun and other sources of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.  UV rays are invisible to the naked eye and are more intense in the summer, at higher altitudes, and in areas closer to the equator. Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the...

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Mandy’s Story: A Journey With a Very Rare Cancer

Mandy’s Story: A Journey With a Very Rare Cancer

Thirty-eight year old Mandy Hanlon did not expect to get a cancer diagnosis when she arrived at her job as a pharmacy tech on a typical day in August of 2023. She describes what she thought was a sudden onset of nerve pain. Her legs “wouldn’t do what I was telling them to,” and she experienced an abrupt bout of numbness followed by pain. “The pharmacist saw how much pain I was in and called my dad to pick me up, and we went to Northwest Hospital,” Mandy recalls. “They did a test on me and saw a mass on my back. After tests and more tests, they found out I had stage four bone cancer and...

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Navigating Cervical Cancer Treatment

Navigating Cervical Cancer Treatment

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Facing a cervical cancer diagnosis, whether discovered through routine screening or after experiencing symptoms, can be an overwhelming experience. Arizona Oncology understands the challenges you might be facing and is here to provide you with the essential information you need to make informed decisions about your health. Your cancer care team, led by experts trained to treat gynecologic cancers, will be instrumental in guiding you through the treatment process. This team may include a gynecologic oncologist, radiation oncologist, and medical...

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A Gift Guide for Cancer Patients

A Gift Guide for Cancer Patients

The holiday season is a time for giving, sharing, and spreading joy. For those undergoing cancer treatment, the warmth and comfort of thoughtful gifts can make a significant impact. We've curated a list of gift ideas recommended by our staff and patients to bring a touch of festive cheer to someone you care about who is on a cancer journey. Warm Blankets As the winter chill sets in, a soft and cozy blanket becomes a cherished companion. It provides warmth during hospital stays, treatment sessions, or quiet moments at home. Opt for blankets made of soft materials to ensure comfort, and select...

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My Mammogram Results are Abnormal. Now what?

My Mammogram Results are Abnormal. Now what?

Receiving an abnormal report on your screening mammogram can be scary, but it doesn’t mean you have cancer. It doesn’t even necessarily mean that you require a biopsy. In this blog post we take an in-depth look at what it means to receive an abnormal mammogram result, and what the next steps might look like. What does “abnormal” mean on a mammogram report? There are several reasons why your report might be abnormal. ·       The images were unclear or missed some part of your breast tissue ·       There is an area that appears...

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