Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial Cancer usually develops slowly and most often occurs in post-menopausal women. Abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge should be reported to your doctor right away as this may be a result of benign tumors such as a fibroid or polyp, or a symptom of something more serious. Currently there are no diagnostic screenings specific to uterine cancer to help with early detection. Pelvic exams can find advanced cases and the Pap test (or Pap smear) can identify early cancers of the cervix (the lower part of the uterus) but neither of these tests is useful in identifying endometrial cancers.

Arizona Oncology offers an integrated team-oriented approach to provide you with the best possible care. We are also eager to explain the facts and answer your questions at every step along the way. Our team of dedicated, highly-trained physicians and staff is committed to providing the highest quality compassionate care to our patients.

We understand that a new diagnosis of endometrial cancer can be overwhelming. Our team of experts will arrange your consultation quickly so you can get the information you need. We will help you, and your family, make individualized treatment decisions in partnership with our medical team. During this process, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to help manage your cancer and continue with routine activities of daily life.

If you have a family history of colon or endometrial cancer you may benefit from genetic counseling and testing to learn if you are a carrier of a gene mutation known as hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer, (HNPCC, sometimes called Lynch syndrome), which can increase your own risk of endometrial cancer. Arizona Oncology patients have access to genetic testing through our High Risk Cancer Program.

Arizona Oncology has offices located throughout the state where you will receive state-of-the art treatment in a caring and comfortable environment close to home, work, and family.

Visit the National Cancer Institute where this information and more can be found about Endometrial Cancer including side effects of treatments, support information and more. Or ask your cancer care team questions about your individual situation.

Lo que usted necesita saber sobre el cáncer de endometrio en español.