Cervical Cancer

This information is only about invasive cervical cancer. It’s not about precancer, abnormal cells found only on the surface of the cervix, or other cervical changes. These cell changes are treated differently from invasive cervical cancer. Women with abnormal cervical cells only on the surface may want to read the NCI booklet Understanding Cervical Changes: A Health Guide for Women. It tells about abnormal cells and describes treatments.

Arizona Oncology offers an integrated team-oriented approach to provide you with the best possible care. We are also eager to explain the facts and answer your questions at every step along the way. Our team of dedicated, highly-trained physicians and staff is committed to providing the highest quality compassionate care to our patients.

We understand that a new diagnosis of cervical cancer can be overwhelming. Our team of experts will arrange your consultation quickly so you can get the information you need. We will help you, and your family, make individualized treatment decisions in partnership with our medical team. During this process, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to help manage your cancer and continue with routine activities of daily life.

Arizona Oncology has offices located throughout the state where you will receive state-of-the art treatment in a caring and comfortable environment close to home, work, and family.

Individualized Treatment Planning

Our program is designed to provide patients and their loved ones with the knowledge to help choose the course of treatment that best fits their needs, in collaboration with a specialized medical team. Advances in cervical cancer research now allow us to plan personalized treatment based on the specific biologic characteristics of your cancer, resulting in better outcomes and fewer side effects. During your consultation, you will learn about treatment options for cervical cancer. We will take the time and opportunity to answer your questions and ensure that you understand the reasoning behind our recommendations.

Patient Guidance

Arizona Oncology will work with patients to answer any questions or concerns you many have about your care. We can direct you to resources for financial assistance programs, community resources, supportive care programs, and more. Nurse Navigators are available at some locations. Feel free to ask your provider for more details.

Clinical Trials

Our participation in high-priority clinical trials through US Oncology Research may provide early access to new therapies that are not available elsewhere. We believe in clinical research and hope that you will consider participating in the development of new treatments through innovative research, making strides to ensure that tomorrow’s care will be even better than today’s.

Multidisciplinary Case Review

Your medical team will perform an in depth review of your case to enhance communication and guide individualized treatment recommendations. This will generally include input from surgical oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, reconstructive surgery, pathology, and genetics.

Testing and Treatment

Arizona Oncology offers the latest treatments in cervical cancer, and our team provides the most informed, individualized treatment recommendations. Our High Risk Cancer Program is available to our patients at some locations. Feel free to ask your provider for more details.

Supportive Care

Our team is committed to supporting you as a whole throughout your cancer experience. We coordinate and work with many foundations throughout the community to help support your needs during treatment.

Convenient Appointments

Our scheduling staff will work with patients to arrange convenient appointments.

Visit the National Cancer Institute where this information and more can be found about Cervical Cancer, including side effects of treatments, support information, and more. 

Lo que usted necesita saber sobre el cáncer de cérvix.