Cancer Treatment Tips and Side Effect Management
Our staff of cancer care specialists is here to provide you and your family with support during this time as you work together with your physician and healthcare team.
The purpose of this section is to provide you with initial information and support about cancer and how it could relate to you and your treatments. There is also information on support groups, education programs, and supportive services that are available within our community.
We realize that at first, much of this information could feel overwhelming. The intent is that you or your family will have access to information should you want to refer to it now, or perhaps in the coming weeks if you have questions. If you need information or have concerns that you do not find addressed in this packet, please do not hesitate to ask your nurse or physician.
We care about you and want to ensure that you and your family feel you have been fully informed and have the support you need.
We hope you find these instructions helpful so that your needs will be met in an efficient, timely, and caring fashion.